Saturday, April 23, 2011

The Beginning

 Today is a lazy day. It's partially cloudy, too warm for my idea of spring, and I am still trying to find my motivation to achieve more than a few attempted math problems and a few loads of laundry folded. Allergies are wearing us down. Poor Phoenix has deep, dark circles under his eyes and is lacking in his normal energy. I have a headache I can't shake and the desire to crawl back into bed, pull the covers over my head, and dream the headache away.

  Normally, a first post is meant to inform the reader about the person writing this blog. Here are a few mundane things about me: I'm closer to thirty than I'm content with, a mom who is, at times, bewildered, bedazzled, and overwhelmed at motherhood and all that term encompasses, still trying to figure out life and what I want to be "when I grow up", sometimes amazed that people on the outside look at me and see an adult.. because some times I look in the mirror and feel an out-of-body experience as I stare at myself and realize I'm not that 17 yr old kid who thought she knew everything there was to know about everything, a student attempting college after a fantastic spiral of failure the first go-round, and still.. that daydreamer that can see the movies in the music and get carried away thinking of a wonderful idea for a story (Just not for very long, because that never ending mental list of "Things That Need to Be Done Next" always lurks in the corner of my brain..) and that's me.. or part of me. Or something like that at least.