Monday, October 14, 2013

Dear Phoenix,

 In just a few "sleeps", you'll officially be a big, six years old. I look at you and flash back to that first day you entered the world. I remember lying on the table, holding back the fear from the "What to Expect" lecture about the c-section I was going to have.. Then I heard you. Crying before they even took you out. Letting me know you were here and you did not like being disturbed.

  You and I. We've spent a lot of time together, these past few years. I see your big, beautiful heart and pray you never change. Your soul and your kindness make me so proud and so scared. Sometimes, my love, the world can be a mean place. It can trample sweet little souls and make them try to be tougher and meaner just to keep up. Don't lose your sweetness. Don't let others tell you to toughen up and not be so nice. Keep being that nice boy. Love with an open heart and know that you are a good person. Continue to be a good friend and help others when you see them needing help. Keep singing. Keep being silly. Keep that deep, belly laugh.

  Know that I will always be there, behind you, cheering you on and encouraging you. I know you can achieve anything you set your mind to and I know how hard you will work when you want something. Know that I will love you, no matter what, and I will always be there for hugs and cuddles when the world gets to be too much. My favorite parts of my day are when you need a hug or just want to sit next to me and tell me whatever is on your mind. Don't stop talking. Don't stop sharing. Tell me anything and everything and I will listen with a happy, obliging heart.

 It's been a big year for all of us. It was scary and exciting to send you off to Kindergarten this fall. To send you to "big boy school" and to hope and pray your long day at school goes well. As always, you surpassed my expectations and took to school with excitement and enthusiasm. It hasn't always been easy. You get frustrated that the kids in your class act up at times and, yet, you still strive to be the good kid with the green light each and every day. You work hard during school and after school with your homework. Even when you are frustrated and have tears in your eyes, you still come back, take a deep breath, and get back to work. Your brain is lightning quick and I am always amazed at how fast you pick things up. You have conquered your 9 weeks worth of "popcorn words" and can now proudly show off your skills. You and Daddy spend a few days a week going over first grade math and you just blaze right through. Your writing has improved and you are taking such an interest in figuring out words. Soon you'll unlock those words and start reading, I just know it!

 You even like to buy school lunch and eat most of it every day. I'm so surprised because you can be quite a picky eater, but here you are, Mr. Adventure, heading off to lunch each day and trying new things. Some you like. Some you don't. But you are doing something even I didn't like to do when I was your age.

 Turning six is a big deal, Buddy. Six is a fun age and it's going to be a great journey. We are so happy  that we are able to celebrate with you, teach you, guide you, love you, and laugh with you. Know that you are loved beyond measure and that you are surrounded by family and friends who will always stop to listen to you and help you when problems arise. Never doubt our love and our desire to help you grow into a great man with a great heart and soul. You are my favorite Phoenix in the whole wide world and I will love you always and forever.

  Love with all my heart,